Thursday, October 1, 2009

Children's Stories

What I expect from a children story is to have a moral and to have a happy ending. When I was younger I don't really remember a lot of the stories or shows or movies I seen but, I know I liked stories from Dr. Suess because he made them funny and they captured my interest.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pop Warner Scholastic Award

My brother started playing on a Pop Warner football team in 2001, five years of playing on the team had past. He would get awards every year for his scholastic acheivments and for playing football. He was always good at playing and never gave up. The fifth year he played, there was an award ceremony at the end of the season. They called my brother to the stage and gave him a plaque and said they were proud of him for being perfect in school the last five years. My family was so proud of him for achieving and getting honored for that award. I'm personally proud of him for that because it shows he is trying hard and till this day he still plays sports and does good in school. He is going to get far in his sports career and in school.

Carnival 2002

Years ago when my family lived in San Francisco there used to be parades downtown called Carnival. It was a celebration were every one danced, and there was a lot of music. My brother would participate in it because he was good at break dancing, he joined a group of break dancers that were in parade. Carnival was a competition which there were judges who watched the groups, and my brothers group was good. There was other good groups too, but, I thought my brother's group was the best. He and his group danced and the other people danced too. My brother tried hard and was worried that he didn't do good but he still tried and came in second place. I'm still proud of him for trying hard and sticking through with his group for all the practices and dancing.

The Game Saving Play

My little brother Angel was on a baseball team in Denver, Colorado. He was a really good player and helped the team out a lot. His team got to the championships and got to the final round. It was the ninth inning and the other team was down by one run. It was their bat and they had already got two outs, some one from the other team was on third base so if the team scored then my brothers team would have lost. The batter hit the ball and it came flew straight towards my brothers face, instead of moving away, he put his hand in front of his face and caught the ball for the win. He was excited and happy when he did that but didn't want to be cocky or showboat. Overall my brother was nervous before catching the ball because it was coming straight at him but, once he caught it all his nervousness went away. I'm proud of my brother for how hard he played.

My Little Brother

My 13 year old little brother Angel is a very hard working kid. He excels in school, and does all his work. He always participates in extra curricular activities such as football, baseball, and break dancing. He's very friendly and makes friends fast, and doesn't get mixed up with the wrong kids, so he wont get in trouble. He might be two years younger than me but I still admirer him for everything he does.